Welcome to SMU Academy's Course Registration Portal

Individuals (Self-sponsored/ Company-sponsored)

New users

For Singaporeans/ PRs/ foreigners with Singpass
Please register for an account using Singpass and complete your profile by retrieving your data using Myinfo to control the sharing of your data securely and seamlessly for funding purposes. 

Participants who wish to utilise funding must register for an account using Singpass.

For foreigners without Singpass
Please register for an account and complete your profile manually. Please ensure that you use your full name as indicated in your passport or official ID documents.

Returning users

For Singaporeans/ PRs/ Foreigners with Singpass
Once you have successfully linked your Singpass, you will no longer be able to sign in using a username and password. Please sign into your account using the Singpass login. 

For troubleshooting help and guides, please refer to our FAQ page here. 


New users

Main Company
Please register for an account by clicking on "Create new account" to track the registrations sponsored by your company. Please note that a valid UEN is required. 

Client accounts are subject to review and approval within 2 working day We appreciate your patience, and will notify you once your account has been successfully created. 

Department/ Sub-BU
To set up new department/sub-BU, please submit this form here. Please reach out to your company's main POC to be added as the designated contact person for your branch/ sub-BU. You will then receive the login details to your account.

Existing Clients

Main Company
If you are an existing client, please do not create a new account as each client profile is tagged to a UEN. To be added as a contact person, please reach out to your main company POC. Alternatively, please reach out to us via the enquiry form here.

Company-sponsored registration

Please reach out to your company POC for a unique link that would tie your registration to your company. This is to ensure the legitimacy and validity of your company's sponsorship. For more information, please refer to our FAQ here. 

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